Klade.fi-Productions are operations under IronMedia Ltd.

Activities also include development work and risk-taking.

You can freely request offers for documentary productions, both video and TV productions and all kinds of digital advertisements, e.g. TV commercials.


Sunrise and sunset in Laajasalo (Helsinki, Finland)

Testing cameras at sunrise and sunset. Sony FX6 in the morning and GoPro Hero 12 Black in the evening. (filmed in 9/2024)


Shooting and editing: Klaus Nummela

Klade tests video shooting equipment (THANOS PROII)

Sony FX6 Cinema Camera, Sony FE 14 mm f/1.8 GM lens, Atomos Shogun Inferno -monitor, Zhiyun Crane 3S Gimbal and DIGITALFOTO THANOS PROII Steadicam Gimbal Supporting System. (filmed in 8/2024)

The shooting situation was recorded with a Sony A7S3 camera with a Sony FE 24 mm f/1.4 GM lens.


My son Jasu acted as a stunt in the filming.

Thank you Jasu!

Artificial intelligence, part 1 (Finnish audio, English subtitles)

In the documentary, seven experts share their views on artificial intelligence.

This was a great adventure, a very challenging production in a good way (filmed in 2023).

Thanks to everyone

Script, videography and editing: Klaus Nummela

Artificial intelligence has also been used in making the program.

Artificial intelligence, part 2 (Finnish audio)

In the documentary, seven experts share their views on artificial intelligence.

This was a great adventure, a very challenging production in a good way (filmed in 2023).

Thanks to everyone

Script, videography and editing: Klaus Nummela

Artificial intelligence has also been used in making the program.


Työkulttuurin parantaminen on kiinni meistä itsestämme ja siitä, miten työyhteisönä ja organisaationa toimimme. Riittää, että jokainen kiinnittää huomiota omiin asenteisiinsa ja toimintatapoihinsa.

Hyveet ovat se työkalu, jonka avulla tämä saadaan aikaan. Hyveiksi sanotaan niitä ominaisuuksia, jotka tekevät meistä hyviä. Niitä itsessämme kehittämällä tulemme aina vain paremmiksi.

Lykeionin tavoitteena on tuoda hyvepuhe takaisin suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan ja kulttuuriin – työelämään, kasvatuksen maailmaan ja keittiönpöytien ympärille.

Lisää aiheesta alla olevassa videossa, joka on kuvattu vuonna 2021.

Videon sisältö ja esitys: Lykeion Oy / antti.kylliäinen@lykeion.fi / +358 50 531 1233
Videon on kuvannut ja editoinut Klaus Nummela, IronMedia Oy.

Esiintyminen kameran edessä

ESIINTYMINEN KAMERAN EDESSÄ on oma maailmansa. Miten saada mahdollisen asiakkaan huomio ja miten se teknisesti toteutetaan? Tilannehan on käytännössä sellainen, että puhut kameran objektiiville. Miten ihmeessä herätät katsojan, eli mahdollisen asiakkaan mielenkiinnon? Ja miten toteutat esityksesi käytännössä?

Tuukka Raitala on näyttelijä, tv-juontaja ja videon tekijä. Hän on tuttu kasvo mm. MTV3:n lauantai-illoista; Tuukka on lottoarvonnan juontaja.

Tuukka esittää alla olevassa videossa näkemyksiään siitä, miten esiintyä kameran edessä. Miten esitystä olisi hyvä harjoitella, miten valmistautua siihen ja lopuksi, mitä on hyvä ottaa huomioon itse esityksessä? (ohjelma on kuvattu 2021)

Videon sisältö ja esitys: Tuukka Raitala - tuukkaraitala.com
Videon on kuvannut ja editoinut Klaus Nummela, IronMedia Oy.


Absolutely wonderful job of filming the dancing of professionals (filmed in 2017).

I am very grateful for this opportunity.

Subscriper, director:
Helena Ahti-Hallberg

Filming, recording works and editing:
Klaus Nummela

Thanks to everyone involved!

Sony FXW-FS5 slow motion testing in 2017


Video shooting and editing: Klaus Nummela

Thank you Jade!
Thank you Jasu!

Pilot on Board / Luotsi Laivassa

This is a short working copy version of Pilot on Board documentary - shot in 2013-14.

This version has never been published (now converted with AI to 4K resolution). The program was produced and directed by Teemu Leppälä and he also obtained the funding for it.

It was a very wonderful experience to be involved in making the program.


Producer and director: Teemu Leppälä

Klaus Nummela
Teemu Leppälä
Iiro Koskelainen

Editing of this working copy version: 
Klaus Nummela
Thank you Teemu!

Boxer Niklas Räsänen

A short story of a Finnish boxer named Niklas Räsänen from 2011.

I had once developed a WORK AND LEISURE -website for which I shot this video (now converted with AI to 4K resolution). Niklas was still an amateur boxer at that time. The shooting session was really nice. He is a great person.


Content: Niklas Räsänen

Script, filming and editing:
Klaus Nummela
Thank you Niklas!

Hanken School of Economics

Hanken Business School's presentation video from 2011 (now converted with AI to 4K resolution).

The video was commissioned by the school's own student Hannu Sääskilahti, who was very motivated and enthusiastic about the production of the presentation video. The shooting days were very memorable; Hannu handled all filming arrangements very professionally and things went according to schedule and everyone involved had a good feeling, which means we got good material.

Client: Hanken School of Economics

Script, interviews, arrangements: Hannu Sääskilahti

videography and editing: Klaus Nummela

Thank you Hannu!

Tourism promotion of the city of Kemi in 2004

IronMedia Ltd got the gig in Kemi through a Finnish influencer, Jaakko Selin.

We made programs for the city of Kemi in 2003-2006 - really wonderful experiences. Iiro and I were able to implement our ideas freely. The destinations were: Kemi snow castle, Icebreaker Sampo, dog sleds, reindeer sleds, snowmobile safaris, etc (year 2004 video is now converted with AI to 4K resolution).


Client: City of Kemi

Ideation by Klaus Nummela, Iiro Koskelainen and Jaakko Selin

Video shooting and editing: Klaus Nummela

Thank you Jaakko!

IronMedia Ltd 2003

A little graphics practice at the office.

(now converted with AI to 4K resolution)


Graphics: Klaus Nummela

VideoHelps 1990 - 2002

Marketing of a one-man company in 1991.

The filming was done in such a way that I taped the video camera's zoom button so that picture would zoom in slowly. After that it was a bit of a rush to move to the performance spot and say my lines.

At the end of the program there is a short video clip from 1985. In addition to me, my good friend Pönde appears in it.
(video is now converted with AI to 4K resolution)


Script, filming and editing:

Klaus Nummela